Basement Flooding? Here's What to Do!
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 months ago

Anyone who has had their basement flood can understand what a hassle it can be to resolve the issue. Whether it’s a completely flooded basement, or water seeping through your walls, fixing these problems is a time consuming and expensive process. Although there’s no way to guarantee that your basement will never flood, there are some proactive steps you can take to prevent things from getting out of hand.

Properly maintain your gutters

Although the work to keep your drainage system in tact may...
The Importance of a Fire Plan
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 months ago

If a fire breaks out in your home, every second counts. Most people understand the importance of smoke alarms and how they can be lifesaving in the case of an emergency, but equally important is having a fire plan for your family so everyone knows what to do if a fire does break out.

The National Fire Protection Association offers guidelines that can help people put together a plan. Here are some things you should do:

First, gather your family and talk about how the most important thing to do i...
Apartment Fire Safety 101
CENTURY 21 Select Group 4 months ago

Do you live in an apartment or condominium? If so, do you know what to do in case there’s a fire when you’re home? To help you stay safe, the U.S. Fire Administration offers the following quick tips:

Building Fire Safety
Fire prevention tools in and around your apartment are essential for fire safety.

Make sure your apartment has working smoke alarms, including in each sleeping room. Test the alarms every month, and replace their batteries every year. Don’t prop open exit or stairway doors in y...
Be Winter Storm Ready with These Tips
CENTURY 21 Select Group 4 months ago

Preparing your home for a winter storm can be a hassle, especially when done last minute, so make sure to plan ahead and take these necessary precautions this winter season.



Double check for supplies

You may think you have shovels, flashlights, and extra fuel ready to go, but don’t rely on last year’s stock to get you through the season. You don’t want to be forced to go on the dreaded last-minute hardware or grocery store run. If a storm is on the horizon, make sure to make a list of wh...
David Rottkamp
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