7 Ways to Declutter Your Kitchen
CENTURY 21 Select Group 5 days ago

If you’re always short of cabinet and counter space, it’s time to declutter your kitchen. But that’s a chore that seems to get relegated to “someday.” According to Country Living Magazine, the job may be easier if you know where to start. If you want to give yourself more kitchen space, begin by getting rid of the following:

Your plastic container collection. Most of us have far too many plastic containers haphazardly stuffed somewhere in our kitchens, including those empty deli and margarine c...
Ten Ways to Keep Cool Without Air-Conditioning
CENTURY 21 Select Group 6 days ago

Air-conditioning is one of the luxuries some homeowners can’t live without. While the temperatures rise outside, you stay cool, calm, and collected inside your home.


But sometimes air-conditioning isn’t always an option. Whether you are trying to save money, you don’t own an air conditioner, or it isn’t quite warm enough to turn on the AC, keeping cool during summer is crucial. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to lower the temperature of your home.

Use ceiling fans

Your ceil...
Basement Flooding? Here's What to Do!
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 months ago

Anyone who has had their basement flood can understand what a hassle it can be to resolve the issue. Whether it’s a completely flooded basement, or water seeping through your walls, fixing these problems is a time consuming and expensive process. Although there’s no way to guarantee that your basement will never flood, there are some proactive steps you can take to prevent things from getting out of hand.

Properly maintain your gutters

Although the work to keep your drainage system in tact may...
Bathroom Staging Tips
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 months ago

Your bathroom is a space you use every day. That’s why it’s important to make these rooms as appealing as possible when selling your house. By giving your bathroom some attention, potential homebuyers will be able to imagine themselves starting their morning in this room.


The first rule of staging any room in your home is to remove unnecessary clutter from the space. Consider packing up any products or medications you don’t use regularly, and find a new place to store jewelry or extra...
The Importance of a Fire Plan
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 months ago

If a fire breaks out in your home, every second counts. Most people understand the importance of smoke alarms and how they can be lifesaving in the case of an emergency, but equally important is having a fire plan for your family so everyone knows what to do if a fire does break out.

The National Fire Protection Association offers guidelines that can help people put together a plan. Here are some things you should do:

First, gather your family and talk about how the most important thing to do i...
Be Winter Storm Ready with These Tips
CENTURY 21 Select Group 4 months ago

Preparing your home for a winter storm can be a hassle, especially when done last minute, so make sure to plan ahead and take these necessary precautions this winter season.



Double check for supplies

You may think you have shovels, flashlights, and extra fuel ready to go, but don’t rely on last year’s stock to get you through the season. You don’t want to be forced to go on the dreaded last-minute hardware or grocery store run. If a storm is on the horizon, make sure to make a list of wh...
Sellers: Stage to Sell This Winter
CENTURY 21 Select Group 4 months ago

Staging your home is crucial any time of year—but especially during winter, when weather and a slower market tend to get in the way. These staging tips are sure to put your home in the front of potential buyers’ minds this season.


Tastefully decorate

Use the wintery feel of these months to your advantage—even in warmer climates. Twinkly lights and elegant winter decor can instantly take your home up a notch. A pinecone wreath, seasonal flowers and greenery, and other small landscaping touche...
David Rottkamp
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